【視聴数 1330613】
【チャンネル名 hololive ホロライブ – VTuber Group】
【タグ hololive,ホロライブ,VTuber,バーチャルYouTuber,VR,白上フブキ,湊あくあ,赤井はあと,ときのそら,ロボ子さん,大神ミオ,夜空メル,大空スバル,夏色まつり,さくらみこ,百鬼あやめ,紫咲シオン,アキ・ローゼンタール,戌神ころね,猫又おかゆ,ホロアニメ,3D,AZKi,星街すいせい,兎田ぺこら,潤羽るしあ,不知火フレア,白銀ノエル,宝鐘マリン,天音かなた,姫森ルーナ,角巻わため,常闇トワ,癒月ちょこ,雪花ラミィ,桃鈴ねね,獅白ぼたん,尾丸ポルカ,hololive ERROR】
Wait is this a game?
Wth is this, anyway im hyped
I wonder if there’ll be a reference to Korone being scared of Soap.
i thought sora was veliona in honkai for a sec
It’s like alternative isn’t going to happen
check the console log of the site
for an Easter egg
Considering that they reprimanded Haachama for making videos that were too scary, I expect this game to be milk toast horror.
Just Sora.
Doki doki hololive club
So, what do we have now in Hololive Multiverse?
We have:
– Streamer timeline (all girls are just streamers on Youtube, hanging out together from time to time, and damn good singers)
– “Persona” timeline (every roleplaying element existing between *characters* and their relationships. Mostly, Oozora’s Police department, 3D debuts, Asacoco News (Rest in coconuts) and *of course, Haachama.)*
– Minecraft timeline (everything happening in Holoservers)
– Holograffiti timeline
– Hololive Alternative Universe (still waiting it’s release)
– ERROR project Universe
Also I want to include a honorable mention:
– Calliope’s World of Darkness Roleplaying Universe.
Just because I love RP games and their stories.
Tq sora I really lonely lately