【視聴数 10598355】
【チャンネル名 Towa Ch. 常闇トワ】
【タグ ホロライブ,hololive,ホロライブゲーマーズ,歌ってみた,ゲーム実況,実況,バーチャルyoutuber,Vtuber,VTuber,バーチャルYouTuber,VR,3D,ときのそら,ロボ子さん,夜空メル,アキ・ローゼンタール,赤井はあと,白上フブキ,夏色まつり,湊あくあ,紫咲シオン,百鬼あやめ,癒月ちょこ,大空スバル,大神ミオ,さくらみこ,猫又おかゆ,戌神ころね,兎田ぺこら,潤羽るしあ,不知火フレア,宝鐘マリン,白銀ノエル,AZKi,星街すいせい,角巻わため,天音かなた,桐生ココ,常闇トワ,姫森ルーナ,ERROR,niki,cover】
im at the 00:00 of the video and i already liked it cuz i know it’ll be worth it!
Congrats to Towa sama for a wonderful song and 3D! TMT!!
She has a beautiful voice
Damn, Towa’s got PIPES!
just seeing the number 404 makes me upset amazing cover tho
Hot damn. ERROR was one of my favorite songs. This does it justice <3
I think rather than my typical asmr playlist, tonight I’ll have this song on loop to sing me to sleep.
Update: Worked perfectly well.
Towa’s voice is really good and this song really brings it out!
Another godly performance, sasuga TMT!
Congrats on the new cover, and 3D!
Love you towa-sama!
This literally have me in tears from how beautiful it is. I have only found hololive less than 2 months ago, but I have never been happier to just having randomly stumbled upon something as much as hololive. This especially includes Towa, who is currently my favorite singer, period! Not just hololive
So good I forget its not the official version.
I love this
I just found towa and damn this girl can sing and i love it
I feel this song is Towa reflecting on past mistakes & her moving on from them. When i heard her sing this in her 3D debut & hear her emotions coming out while singing this song you can tell it meant a lot to her. Heck even this MV has so much raw emotions in it from the images of Towa to the sound of her voice.
I’m speechless. Towa sama voice is so cool and beautiful 😭
Of all the female Vtubers, who likes Towa’s voice the most?
Cuz I sure love her voice
I’m so happy for you, Towa.