【視聴数 1530297】
【チャンネル名 Floydson】
【タグ floydson,aussie,stardew valley,dinkum,dinkum australia,james bendon,james bendon dinkum,i played 100 days of dinkum,i played 100 days of dinkum and here’s what happened,dinkum playthrough】
ゲーム攻略youtubeリンクまとめ-ゲームBBS7 ゲーム攻略関係のyoutube動画のリンクをまとめました!ゲーム攻略のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新の役立つゲーム攻略情報があります!
【視聴数 1530297】
【チャンネル名 Floydson】
【タグ floydson,aussie,stardew valley,dinkum,dinkum australia,james bendon,james bendon dinkum,i played 100 days of dinkum,i played 100 days of dinkum and here’s what happened,dinkum playthrough】
id love to see more.
So, is this just Australian Animal Crossing?
Yep – finish the story, please! Great vid!
For the fishing, I’d guess you’ll have to relax or at least stop reeling in the fishing line when fishes pull on it, puts too much tension on the line otherwise and you risk snapping it
This is so pleasant I love it 😮😮
I think this video semented my love for this channel
I absolutely LOVE the fact that he puts Stardew Valley music in his videos.
I’m excited to watch the polar opposite of Josh (from Let’s Game It Out) play games the “right” way😏
Do you have an education, in case, what? This looks too good to be just random
This game is if ACNH met Stardew met Australia, and it looks fun.
Blue Quandong (my favourite tree) Elaeocarpus grandis, grows about 35 metres tall and has small blue bitter fruit that can be made into jams or eaten raw.
I like your 100 days approach to games
5 out of 10 whole episode was upside down
This should definitely become a series. I’d like to see another 100 days in dinkum. This was great mate
I could literally watch your content for hours
Do 200 days
Weren’t at least some of those cassowaries?
You should definitely do 100 DAYS of GREEN HELL!!!
I got so excited to see if it was on switch only to find out ITS IN EARLY ACCESS 😭 I’m genuinely so excited for this game now.
Turn on subtitles and wait for a magic word