【視聴数 612820】
【チャンネル名 DuckyTheGamer】
【タグ duckythegamer,fortnite mobile,fortnite,fortnite mobile gameplay,fortnite battle royale,fortnite android,fortnite mobile update,handcam,handcam gameplay,pro,Fortnite Mobile Pro Player,Pro,Fortnite,Mobile,Player,how to become a better build in fortnite mobile,fortnite mobile tips and tricks,mobile building tips,best mobile builder,ninja of mobile,tfue of mobile,tips and tricks,how to get good at building,building guide,fortnite mobile building guide】
Claw makes your fingers cripple just a warning
i have a question ; so i’m a mobile player, i play on my phone. i’ve been playing since s6 so i’m not very good. when getting high ground i always get knocked down, is there a way to counter this?
How do you stop your lag
Yo can u 1 v 1 me
My name is Ghost_Saidi
I am on mobile too
How do you get the edit button without going into build mode
Omg thank you after this thing I had like 14 kills , I’ve never had that many so .
who wanna do duos and 1v1 add me Kiretnef
14:14 close your eyes
Can people stop asking for likes
Who else hate Nintendo switch with mobile
Have over 300 wins on mobile
A wise spongebob once said “TECHNIC”
who else is getting trojan ads?
Thank you so much this will help me be a much better mobile player easy sub for you
Using more than 2 fingers is so uncomfortable tho…
Mobile players suck…I’m decent not terrible but not great either I can shoot really well but my building sucks… tho with the ransoms I play with they can’t build or shoot its so triggering
*We must obey ducky* -we must obey ninja-
Bet u won’t heart this.💕
Use code ducky🔥
6 finger claw works well for iPad Air 9.7 inch.