【視聴数 612820】
【チャンネル名 DuckyTheGamer】
【タグ duckythegamer,fortnite mobile,fortnite,fortnite mobile gameplay,fortnite battle royale,fortnite android,fortnite mobile update,handcam,handcam gameplay,pro,Fortnite Mobile Pro Player,Pro,Fortnite,Mobile,Player,how to become a better build in fortnite mobile,fortnite mobile tips and tricks,mobile building tips,best mobile builder,ninja of mobile,tfue of mobile,tips and tricks,how to get good at building,building guide,fortnite mobile building guide】
Ducky are you right handed or left handed?
My friend complains that I build too much
What’s your settings!
Bro your graphics are way better than mine probs because I have an iPhone 6s what do you use?
14:14 😂
I love your video
Even if I follow these tips I’ll never get a solo win ;(
I play 3 finger claw and i play on samsung edge 7 and im realy good at claw
Thanks that REALLY helped me you the best
I can’t change my mats
Is it just me or did other people find claw really easy to learn?
Edit: yes my first like but why is it blue
I got my first win with 6 finger claw
fck stop talking
Add me I’m SundayCandy-_- my platforms are Mobile and Switch.
Step 1. *_I P a d_*
Did anyone else see the porn add lol
Thanks bro you helped me out a lot
I don’t think you need to make much of a difference all you really need to do is practice practice and practice, for example I started mobile as soon as fortnite mobile came out and i stayed with 2 fingers but usually it’s also good too use 4 fingers especially when changing a gun while moving.
But other than that it’s practice that matters most
P.S. Great video keep up the hard work
I play mobile with 2 fingers and I play like a god like if same