【視聴数 612820】
【チャンネル名 DuckyTheGamer】
【タグ duckythegamer,fortnite mobile,fortnite,fortnite mobile gameplay,fortnite battle royale,fortnite android,fortnite mobile update,handcam,handcam gameplay,pro,Fortnite Mobile Pro Player,Pro,Fortnite,Mobile,Player,how to become a better build in fortnite mobile,fortnite mobile tips and tricks,mobile building tips,best mobile builder,ninja of mobile,tfue of mobile,tips and tricks,how to get good at building,building guide,fortnite mobile building guide】
How to I change the controls to urs?
I’m still not going good with my building
I love his honesty lik if u agree
How is your FPS and quality so good!?!?!?
Ducky you have 3.1 more likes than the most liked comment
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I can build good on two thumbs
I have 97 wins all together (not counting LTMs)
Where can i See how Mandy Mats Simeone has
I play with 2 fingers and got 10 kills
Ducky what iPad u play on I play on iPad mini 4
Is it just me or is everyone looking in the comments to see if it works?
Ducky your so good
My user name
I can ramp floor but not ramp floor wall with 2 fingers
Aka how to become a sweaty player
No hate i wanna build as well i play two fingers
Anybody want to play? Just today switched to claw. I play on the iPhone SE and it was so hard to play claw before so I went back. Now I’m playing claw and I’m getting a hang of it. ( Don’t expect me to be amazing at the game lol 😂) I don’t have much friends to play with 🙁
Ur so good I’m such a noob at mobile
Can you go to my channel ducky and look at my video with new settings
Did it help?