【視聴数 612820】
【チャンネル名 DuckyTheGamer】
【タグ duckythegamer,fortnite mobile,fortnite,fortnite mobile gameplay,fortnite battle royale,fortnite android,fortnite mobile update,handcam,handcam gameplay,pro,Fortnite Mobile Pro Player,Pro,Fortnite,Mobile,Player,how to become a better build in fortnite mobile,fortnite mobile tips and tricks,mobile building tips,best mobile builder,ninja of mobile,tfue of mobile,tips and tricks,how to get good at building,building guide,fortnite mobile building guide】
I needed this because I didn’t know when to build
One like = one more win for anyone
Get this to the top (it helped me now I have over 30 wins in solo)
Can you play with m I’m. On mobile
Not always true sometimes when I fail I just get spammed and I have no mats
Wait what i have ur gud and I’m on iphone
I’m on defualt hub and I’m used to it and I’m pretty good. But do you think I should change my hub?
Pfft I have 123
I have 86
Fuck you
I dont take advice from people who wear the default skin 😂
You are very good you helped me lots
I have like 3 wins I’m not realy good
I play with 3 fingers
Guys I got me my first win from those tips thx ducky
I learned how to do 180s before I learned how to do 90s
What do you play on?
Almost everything is metal in new tilted
Obey ducky I think I was your friend back in the day