【視聴数 2243412】
【チャンネル名 GENJ1 Gaming-ゲンジ】
【タグ #PUBG,#PUBGMOBILE,#GENJI,#GENJ1,#ゲンジ,#genj1】
モバイルFPS-youtubeリンクまとめ モバイルFPSゲームの攻略youtube動画をまとめました!
【視聴数 2243412】
【チャンネル名 GENJ1 Gaming-ゲンジ】
【タグ #PUBG,#PUBGMOBILE,#GENJI,#GENJ1,#ゲンジ,#genj1】
They using the same company as pubg and CoD for mobile looks the same
Just play in console lol, you have no challenge in mobile
How do u get mobile apex
I like the third person view. Wish we had this on PC.
اللعبة طلع فخم 60fps منظور الثالث
Wouldnt be apex if it wasnt WAY too fucking loud 😂😂
Not another ttv wraith, I confess I finish N cancel 10 times every single time a kill a wraith
After few months “faide movement but on mobile”
Why is sweaty wraith everywhere? Can she just let us enjoy the damn game? For once, please stop doing this to us!
If mobile gets crossplay, it’s probably because of this guy
Donde estoy
Plz tell me it’s on android
Talk about controller aim assist wait tell they realease this global PC n controller players will complain 😂😭😂
Guys in apexmobile did they add heirloom or no??
Mobile is gonna be op bc you cud move an loot plus aim assist 😭😭😭
aim assist ?
Rfaide of apex mobile
Puro chino aqui