【視聴数 115318】
【チャンネル名 iFerg】
【タグ Ferg,iFerg,CODM,COD,Call of Duty Mobile,COD Mobile,Call of duty,Best,Call of duty mobile gameplay,bobby plays,Godzly,Tribe Gaming,TikTok,multiplayer,zombies,Fake,Elite,Pro Tier,Master Rank,MAster】
モバイルFPS-youtubeリンクまとめ モバイルFPSゲームの攻略youtube動画をまとめました!
【視聴数 115318】
【チャンネル名 iFerg】
【タグ Ferg,iFerg,CODM,COD,Call of Duty Mobile,COD Mobile,Call of duty,Best,Call of duty mobile gameplay,bobby plays,Godzly,Tribe Gaming,TikTok,multiplayer,zombies,Fake,Elite,Pro Tier,Master Rank,MAster】
C56 AMAX is underrated
What about worst smgs??? Ferg
Come on , take the money and run, oo oo oo
Em2? Bro what that is perfect gun for passive play in snd because of its range and scope
Fr is good also the Ak and EM2
Yh..this list is definitely for mp
@iferg the ak47 is one of my best guns
No Swordfish? 🤯
I only ever use Amax on SnD for wallbang
Oden is buffed damage 48
AK-47 is underrated you trippin
Em2 is cracked u can 3 tap so easily
How tf can the fr 556 be worse then the M4? I mean like there are worse guns than the fr like for real man…
why em2 its not that bad
The Oden slaps in BR bro
ngl tho the ak is kinda cracked..
Em2???? The mother eefing EM2..dude wild for that 1.
Bro people use AK 47. I personally think its pretty amazing
Bro the oden is good your just trash using it LOL