【視聴数 362066】
【チャンネル名 Pekora Ch. 兎田ぺこら】
【タグ 兎田ぺこら,ホロライブ,歌ってみた,大神ミオ,Vtuber,ホロライブゲーマーズ,ゲーム実況,実況,VTuber,バーチャルYouTuber,VR,白 上フブキ,湊あくあ,赤井はあと,ときのそら,ロボ子さん,夜空 メル,大空スバル,夏色まつり,さくらみこ,百鬼あやめ,ア キ・ローゼンタール,戌神ころね,猫又おかゆ,紫咲シオン,潤羽るしあ,不知火フレア,白銀ノエル,宝鐘マリン,hololive,白上フブキ,夜空メル,アキ・ローゼンタール,ホロアニメ,3D,ホログラ,AZKi,星街すいせい,天音かなた,桐生ココ,姫森ルーナ,角巻わため,常闇トワ】
My pfp
Don’t know what she’s saying, but I love it anyway ^^
Pekora’s funny moments
12:28 Cute Pekora voicing Dormin
13:41 Agro; 🎶You spin me right round, baby right round. Like a record baby, right round🎶
14:36 Daft Punk “One More Time” playing in the background
14:43 Failed Zorro moment
24:02 Show boat Pekora-chan
26:37 Unreachable Rabbit Hole
28:34 Kyle Crane’s ancester confirmed
29:51 Lizard; Bye! Have a great time!
32:45 Argus; So you wish to challenge me in the gladiatorial?! *Challenge* *Accepted!!!*
33:06 Herp derp moment
33:54 “Yametekudastop!”
34:59 Argus; That tickles!
35:24 Agro; For Matsuri’s sake! I’m a horse, not a gladiator!
38:52 She’s beginning to believe
39:07 “Oh, no. Colossus stomps. Anyways.”
39:44 She has found the way – Ian Malcolm (probably)
40:54 Argus; That’s kinda stings!
41:29 Usaken Shachou observation
42:32 Nut shot
43:18 Argus; Eyes on the road!
46:23 “Super Jump!” (Boing!)
51:10 Kanata; I sense a disturbance in the force…
52:15 Seizing the chance while fumbling
53:56 🎵The bridge you’re standing is falling down. Falling down. The bridge you’re standing is falling down, Pekora-chan🎵
56:17 Migraine Intensifies
56:38 Confused Pekora ensues
58:00 “Drop Weapon!”
58:19 Cute panik confused Pekora ensues
1:00:50 Leap of Fail
1:02:35 Argus; Time to squash some “Bugs” Bunny!
1:06:40 Reaching out for “helping” *HAND*
1:07:09 Argus; *NOPE!*
1:07:56 “Hand-on” approach
1:08:03 Argus; I’ll never be able to high five anymore!
1:14:50 Agro; Watch where you’re pointing that bow!
1:15:18 Arrow shooting goes BRRRRRRRRRR
1:15:46 Agro; Are ya winning, Peko?
1:20:45 “Open sez me!”
1:22:42 [Spoilers]
1:23:55 Agro; Remember meeeeeeee~~~~
1:29:12 Malus; Come at me, Peko!
1:29:40 Malus; Firing main cannon!
All players would immediately run for cover
Pekora; 1:30:05
1:30:16 Malus; I’ve got you in my sight!
1:30:46 Malus; Never change.
1:30:56 Found Rabbit Hole
1:31:32 Malus; You *CHEATER!*
1:31:42 Malus; Not this time!
1:32:22 Malus; Well, hello there!
1:35:36 Pole Position
1:36:19 Swe’s begwinning to bewieve
1:38:44 Press (F) to pay respect
1:39:17 Moving onwards for Agro
1:39:40 Malus; You… Shall Not…. *PAAAAASSSSSS!!!*
1:42:08 “SYKE!!!”
1:42:43 Right under his skir….i mean, his nose.
1:45:14 Malaysian Pekora confirmed
1:45:58 Drop the Mic be like
1:51:34 “I’m too lazy to cling on your back, so I’m gonna this instead!”
1:51:55 Yubi Yubi
1:54:06 Near free fall
1:59:40 Weak points, it is not.
2:00:07 Malus of the Forehead, what is your wisdom?
2:00:46 Godly Migraine
2:01:51 Malus’s brain; Oh, I’m die. Thank you foreva.
2:05:43 Micheal Jackson “Thriller” song playing in the background
2:06:12 Pekora mogu mogu ASMR
2:06:51 I used to be a Wanderer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee
2:07:33 “You should have aim for the head!”
2:09:12 Kyubi form
2:10:35 “Nothing beat the Ground Pound” – Amelia
2:13:19 Dormin; This *SUCKS!!!”
2:13:55 🎶We see him rollin. We cryin. Dormin trollin, tryin to catch him fightin dirty. Tryin to catch him fightin dirty. Tryin to catch him fightin dirty🎶
2:14:59 He’s gone, sucked, thrown into Oblivion
2:17:12 Literal pain Peko
2:18:03 Agro; Tis but a flesh wound.
2:23:09 Curious Case of Benjamin Button
2:25:22 The Secret Garden where we can actually get to…. Just have to climb up like a *BOSS*
Thank you for the stream, Pekora-chan
2:10:45 ぺこみんすき