Battle of Nordlingen, 1634 ⚔ How did Sweden️’s domination in Germany end? ⚔️ Thirty Years’ War

Battle of Nordlingen, 1634 ⚔ How did Sweden️’s domination in Germany end? ⚔️ Thirty Years’ War

【視聴数 61927】

【チャンネル名 HistoryMarche】

【タグ swedish empire,german empire,sweden,germany,Gustavus Adolphus,thirty years war,nordlingen,prussia,saxony,baltic sea,documentary,history,ancient history,medieval history,kings and generals,epic history tv,Kurzgesagt,historymarche,history documentary,animated battle map,total war,history of the world,world history,swedish army,spanish army,habsburg empire,spanish empire,history of sweden,history of spain,history of germany,holy roman empire】
