【視聴数 14292】
【チャンネル名 Finotaisen】
【タグ fgo,fate grand order,servant guide,analysis,review,how to use,how good is,should i roll for,must roll,koyanskaya system,tamamo vitch,vitch system,buster loop,foreigner,sleep,summer abigail,abigail williams,abby,summer abby,kuro neko pancakes,fino,fino plays,finotaisen】
That feel when Abby summer exists in the same game as Koyanskaya Dark
they do my girls so dirty this ain’t right
Rather than S!Abby, the correct portmanteau is Ab!ummer. Her character is S tier, but using her for anything gameplay related is a real labour of love.
Her battery has a 6 turn cooldown which allows her to run Aerial drive/cranking. If you have Vitch and Oberon too it makes her debuff problem a little better since Oberon provides so much damage on wave 3 she can use her debuffs on one of the other waves where enemies tend to lack debuff resist. Yes this is messy and has a big party cost, but if you’re trying to farm with summer abby you shouldn’t expect miracles.
*foams at mouth*
*makes barely coherent statement*
*rolls np5*
*doesn’t elaborate*
On the tomoe solo rate up I got 3 copys of abby, an sr spook and no tomoe
I burned all three copies of abby
That feel when OG Abby provides a lot more utility than Summer, who is supposed to be a modern utility servant. Sad times.
Its wacky that they’ve made two debuff-heavy Abigails in wonky extra classes and both of them kinda suck, and two debuff-heavy Kiaras in wonky extra classes and both of them kick ass. (granted: they buffed OG Kiara like 3 times but nothing that fundamentally radicalized her kit, Abby would need two buffs of much bigger magnitude to make as much of a splash)
Of course I rolled her instead of Murasaki. Why wouldn’t I. Why wouldn’t I be cursed by this… crime
I’m not a lolicon, so she’s good as she is
forgotten forever in her horrendous kit
She’s essentially pre-buff AE Kiara, except worse class coverage.
Dang, Fino spitting out hard truths like a pez dispenser.
On a real note, bit of a shame to hear she’s a bit underpowered again, but probably still gonna roll for a copy. I’ve always had a soft spot for her in my heart ever since reading Salem, she looks like a sweet girl when she’s not possessed by a Lovecraftian elderich abomination.
But as always, good review Fino.
Hello, person that is going above and beyond here. Last year this time, I was only planning to snag a copy and walk away sad at the underwhelming result of dw’s attempt at summer baby. However, after the reveal of koyanskaya system and servant coins, I decided this will be the only time I whale since I am willing to invest what I need to make one of, if not my absolute, favorite servants part of my main farming team. Hell, I’ve been running Arjun alter, Nito, and Abby to 3 turn lower level nodes like embers. So on Day 1 a tired, proud, yet disgusted me rolled NP6 Abby, 2k fou, max skills and appends and got her to 102/104, and am looking forward to that number growing. Hopefully, that will be enough to make her koyan setup do enough damage to reliably clear difficult nodes. Here’s to hoping that Lasagna will create a competent version of Abby or give the existing ones some buffs to help make them more naturally usable.
I went for a four star on banner 3 and got Abigail on the first summon. I am not pleased.
My issue is more with people saying that she is absolute garbage and unusable in any situation which is just not true really. Shes not a great unit gameplay wise but she is absolutely viable for a lot of content its just a shame that she isnt better overall. She falls into the Tamamo caster problem where everyone is better at what she does outside of the one niche of spamming skill CD CQ content except somehow the niche Abby has is even smaller and wonkier than that. I like Tamamo but there is a lot of cope on both sides of the useful and useless camp for her. Like she is amazing at what she does but what she does is almost relegated to a CQ a month anymore which is sad. Whats even more sad though is Abby doesnt even really have that though. She and OG Abby really need some love for sure.
“it’s okay, abby! it won’t stop me to lv120 both of you!”
I feel like ticket summonings hate me but I keep rolling for kira and I keep getting brinhi
Here’s hoping she gets some buffs
Because the gacha hates me, I now have literally everything but Abigail. 5 Tomoes, 3 Murasakis, an ungodly amount of 4 star ces, and 3 Horny Lakes. Guess what I wanted?
Wait an ability called Dreamlands wakes people up?