【視聴数 51870】
【チャンネル名 Proz】
【タグ Valorant,Valorant clips,valorant esports,valorant montage,Valorant tips and tricks,Valorant rank up】
VALORANTyoutubeまとめサイト VALORANTが大好きな方の為のサイトです。VALORANTの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のVALORANT動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 51870】
【チャンネル名 Proz】
【タグ Valorant,Valorant clips,valorant esports,valorant montage,Valorant tips and tricks,Valorant rank up】
I’ve been hardstuck low immortal 1 for a year now and recently found your channel so I hope the tips will help me finally push to radiant. I also love the editing you do, great job ❤ Personally I would like to see a video on how to exploit enemy patterns/playstyle and create plans to counter them
Dude thesevideos you are making are better than all these so called coaches out there stealing
i sub
I never thought that counterstrafing was a thing in valorant …. I fell like that when you let go of the movement key it stops pretty much instantly
What were the issues you faced with the superlight
Said a whole lotta nothn
1600 dpi 14sens
Would like to learn how to train to have better crosshair placement and clearing angles.
Do you stop strafing in between shoots or should you never stop pressing AD while dead-zoning shots?
Almost 10K less goooooo 🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for the tips man, amazing videos I love them. Don’t overthink it dude people are going to hate no matter what!!
yoo keep up the videos, u’ll blow up!! Only one thing… when u are doing videos with the cam, do often something that make everybody say “that’s Proz”, something that represent u as a person or as a player
Yoru guide vid please 🙏🙏
best way is to play with ppl way better than you….
A video about bursting, tapping, snd spraying
I m d3 playing for 2 months, my dpi is 600 in my mouse and in the game its 0.39, is it in the average dpi?
when I watched your first version of this video it took me from iron to bronze instantly, got the game 2 months ago, I’m on my grind.
Thank you for your videos! Your advice on holding wider has changed my gameplay completely. Currently D2 dumpstering Asc. Players.
Can you make a detailed video on proper pathing / angle clearing into sites? Not so much specifically on how to robotically clear the same way every time but the concepts behind proper pathing and everything that goes into it. Sometimes, being in a 1v3 clutch and needing to path into site to plant is more challenging than taking an actual 1v3. Thanks!
Yo Proz , Great Video. I feel like most lower ranked ppl don’t use their minimap enough. A vid on minimap peeking, trading and shi?
Have you thought of doing Inside the mind type of videos ? Those would be very interesting seeing your perspective on things and maybe even learn hidden knowledge