【視聴数 51870】
【チャンネル名 Proz】
【タグ Valorant,Valorant clips,valorant esports,valorant montage,Valorant tips and tricks,Valorant rank up】
VALORANTyoutubeまとめサイト VALORANTが大好きな方の為のサイトです。VALORANTの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のVALORANT動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 51870】
【チャンネル名 Proz】
【タグ Valorant,Valorant clips,valorant esports,valorant montage,Valorant tips and tricks,Valorant rank up】
I think that you should make a video on agents you should play based on your playstyle in current meta because many people are just stuck on one agent that isn’t meta and have a disadvantage over others. Also go over how to use util on those same agents.
where was tarik
zerrtka (zerka) here id appreciate a in depth yoru guide
Thank you for the video
please make a vid on how to position and peak 😔
My problem is a bad team mate
thank you so much for making this video and i learn form it
This guy talking about “you should be happy smurfs are in your lobby” Dumb take.
It’s like saying I should be happy a NBA player shows up to my competitive pick up game of basketball at my Life Time fitness.
Smurfs are putting in 5k 10k 15k hours into valo? This is your career, so no wonder you could become one of the best. I play two competitive games per day because that’s all I have time to for. I want to get better, but aint no way I’m becoming the best with a day job.
Great video, but what a dumb take that was haha
i have 1200 dpi mouse why no one uses it? should i switch to 1600?
peeking pls
Hey! I used to have a viper ultimate but switched to superlight. Now I’m wondering what issues you had with the superlight and what makes the viper pro superior in your opinion?
How can I go back to iron from radiant?
Love it ❤
I would like a video about aim I always feel like I’m shaking, I feel so freaking nervous in this game (I’m a COD player since COD4 so I never played any tactical shooter before just a lil bit of CSGO and I was BAD at it)
I Hv 700 dpi with 0.3 in game Sens is is good ?
I got diamond 2 with a 80 fps laptop i quit the game bc i cant take it anymore im thinking ab coming back hopefully next week i can play valorant with a pc my birthday in 10 days hopefully i get a pc
Bro said hard at 5:45
biggest yapper
I play on 1200 dpi. Is something wrong with this? I just don’t understand why it’s rare. It’s in the middle of 800 and 1600 so everything should be fine with it ig
hey loved this video thank you so much,i feel like a video on basics of game sense explained for lower ranks would be sick,please consider it but dont force yourself.