【視聴数 630044】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT】
【タグ valorant,valorant champions tour,vct,valorant esports,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant tournament,valorant trailer,valorant cinematic,valorant esports highlights,valorant esports tournament,valorant highlights,valorant vods,valorant championship,valorant pro gameplay,vct highlights,valorant champions,vct latam,vct br,vct apac,vct emea,vct na,valorant istanbul,valorant skin,vct skin,champions skin,Champions Phantom,valorant phantom】
Ghetto prime and Ghetto rgx fr fr change my mind. Vandal designs almost never translate well to the phantom (prime is an exception). The Phantom needs it’s own design concept
Where is the song?
Last better
This bundle or reaver2.0
How much vp
Shiv ji ka dumroo 🌝
another 50% of the community will probably buy this knowing that they will never see the glow ever in their life
I just bought the reaver 2.0 for like 100$ 😭
didn’t bother to make an alt animation for the butterfly
Where is the MUSIC VIDEO?
phantom is trash but the knife is valid
I hope kill banner was same with first champions
Brb bro gotta sell my kidneys
shame they didnt add a unique animation to the butterfly knife :/
Welcome to my collection.
I think i need that Butterfly knife
Sheesh the butterfly knife looks so cool
Rip wallet