【視聴数 37826033】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT】
【タグ VALORANT,VALORANT Champions Tour,VALORANT Esports,VALORANT Berlin,VALORANT Tournament,VALORANT Die For You,VALORANT Grabbitz,Grabbitz Die For You,Die For You,Die For You VALORANT,VALORANT Cinematic,VALORANT Music Video,Champions Music Video,VCT Music Video,VALORANT song,VALORANT anthem,Champions anthem,valorant esports music,valorant champions music,riot games music】
i’m leaving this comment here so after a month or a year when someone likes it, I get reminded of this song❤
cypher does not die LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Adorable animation, but did you forget to add all the Toxic males calling you wh***rree, sslll*t, stupd C*NT. Riot games knows about the toxic community … girls cannot complain. Riot keeps track of Text you type…. you are allowed to say whatever you want on the mic. No thing will happen. So go ahead, enjoy saying whatever you want. Well, as long as you’re a male.
subo bronce con esta wea de fondo loco
Duelist going in after the sentinel and controller. Very accurate 😜
Netflix series yet?
1:10 beat drop OP
Brimstone pls smoke XD
I play brim as my main, just because i relate to that character as a person.
This really is just a PSA about how broken chamber is right now, in the fact they can’t even 1v3
Valorant series confirmed?
bruh brim could just smoke
trust me, there will be RCU (Riot Cinematic Universe) ^^
it fucking slaps bro
just better than die for u the weekend
not 100% on what the lore is behind these guys, but it seems like each of these agents lost someone close to them, and it is the reason why they fight so hard.
За тебя жену отдам
За тебя калым продам
Already my favourite song first time listening lol