【視聴数 37826033】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT】
【タグ VALORANT,VALORANT Champions Tour,VALORANT Esports,VALORANT Berlin,VALORANT Tournament,VALORANT Die For You,VALORANT Grabbitz,Grabbitz Die For You,Die For You,Die For You VALORANT,VALORANT Cinematic,VALORANT Music Video,Champions Music Video,VCT Music Video,VALORANT song,VALORANT anthem,Champions anthem,valorant esports music,valorant champions music,riot games music】
where is 1 hour version ?
How to make a boring game seem interesting? Show 10% of the game itself in the video. The other 90% pretty nonsensical scenes. 🤷♂️
felt like a fever dream tbh
Bomb detonated*
So that’s how we lost the 3v1 lol
I love the song, love the animation, but that game looks like a bad mix of Fortnite and CS:GO with superpowers.
I had no idea valorant had a lore and these cool videos. Woah
This is so epic man, damm, riot is just to good at making music and music clips
채임버 겁나 샤코처럼 웃냉
i love how brim react when phoenix tryna deffuse the bomb ❤❤❤
Who r those 3 people ?
Playing this at 8K resolution!
Awesome man
Chamber: you want to play? Lets play
Those bass tho. Gives me chils.
Beat dropped harder than razes grenade when ur in closed space.
i love zedd
Valoran’tı oynamam etmem Riotuda pek sevmem ama şarkıları inanılmaz efsane heleki şu dakika 1:59 .
started searching for competitive game after watching this masterpiece and lost one more time:>
valorant should also get an animated series like arcane