【視聴数 37826033】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT】
【タグ VALORANT,VALORANT Champions Tour,VALORANT Esports,VALORANT Berlin,VALORANT Tournament,VALORANT Die For You,VALORANT Grabbitz,Grabbitz Die For You,Die For You,Die For You VALORANT,VALORANT Cinematic,VALORANT Music Video,Champions Music Video,VCT Music Video,VALORANT song,VALORANT anthem,Champions anthem,valorant esports music,valorant champions music,riot games music】
Chamber be like Au Revoir
Прошло 3 месяца, а этот трек все еще на первом месте у меня и при каждом прослушивании муражки. Каждый раз когда смотрю клип, почему то слезки наворачиваются. Великолепно
Literal chills!!
How about you make your games good too?
Best song ever
Everything about this is accurate. People running in not clearing site, Phoenix ulting in plain site, chamber mains never using tp to escape and brim smoking the most useless spots.
valorant anime when then though?
Se a riot fizesse jogos também como faz as músicas Meu Deus
Riot is always has the best tast in music
Riot makes the best music I’ve ever seen any game company make
Valorant makes pretty good graphics for a music company
I can’t get into valorant as a game but as a show/cartoon/anime etc if probably watch the shit out of it.
this gave me chills
my fav part is when it got faster
I have a question 🙂 i started streaming a month ago and play valorant so can I and streamer like me use this song as intro when we play valorant??
What a song