【視聴数 2263714】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT Champions Tour】
【タグ valorant,vct,valorant champions tour,valorant vod,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant highlights,valorant esports,valorant esports highlights,valorant pro gameplay,yt:cc=on】
VALORANTyoutubeまとめサイト VALORANTが大好きな方の為のサイトです。VALORANTの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のVALORANT動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 2263714】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT Champions Tour】
【タグ valorant,vct,valorant champions tour,valorant vod,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant highlights,valorant esports,valorant esports highlights,valorant pro gameplay,yt:cc=on】
I love my team ❤️
They won in League they won in Valorant, T1 stand above them all, they are the one true king.
jen is so cute trying it out for herself to see how spicy it really was. 🤣
leaf is the biggest fraud oat
this final is crazy af
watching this live and going back and forth between teams in all maps was so heart wrenching!!!!
That hug from tax on buzz saying “we made it partner”
이 노래는 정말 Banger입니다 😱 BINI의 “ZERO PRESSURE”라는 곡을 확인해보세요 🤘
Map 1: 1:36:45
After T1 beat DRX i knew they could beat anybody!!! Lets goooooo T1 well earned
After SKT won the Red Bull tourney I talked about their legacy as the greatest Team in ESports history. I said they would win a Valorant Major. And here we are just a few months later.
SKT/T1 prove yet again why you should be a fan. I’ve been watching them since Starcraft: Broodwar in 2007.
6:37:48 The Reload transition was EPIIIC
SKT is the best esports team ever period.
Starcraft: Broodwar – Best team of all time
Starcraft 2 – Best team of all time
League of Legends – Best team of all time
Valorant – Masters winners. This one is a work in progress.
I said this after they won the Red Bull toruney and I’ll say it again.
How long until SKT is the best Valorant team of all time?
T1 fr the win
6:37:48 The Reload transition was EPIIIC
Absolute cinema
Glue2 is back 🎉