【視聴数 2263714】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT Champions Tour】
【タグ valorant,vct,valorant champions tour,valorant vod,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant highlights,valorant esports,valorant esports highlights,valorant pro gameplay,yt:cc=on】
VALORANTyoutubeまとめサイト VALORANTが大好きな方の為のサイトです。VALORANTの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のVALORANT動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 2263714】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT Champions Tour】
【タグ valorant,vct,valorant champions tour,valorant vod,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant highlights,valorant esports,valorant esports highlights,valorant pro gameplay,yt:cc=on】
g2 recieved the karma for playing dirty game backstabbing every team
Who’s the best team in Korea now? 7:31:43
Buzz is so fun to watch
Glue2 is back 🎉
Leaf is trash
Who’s the best team in the world
why is Doenmo the only one showing less
stax buzz苦尽甘来 这个冠军,属于你们!
They played over 6hour wtf
메테오-“챔피언으로 참가해서 챔피언으로 떠날 예정입니다.”
Who’s the best team in the world
— ask G2
Faker gap
League so much better xD
Can anyone tell what this music is? 6:38:19
T1 is now valorant’s special forces. Gather veteran players from other really good teams and make a special team. Crazy.
G2 made a lot of mistakes however G2 can absolutely take them down😢
fuck storylines, stars, or content – this is one of the greatest valorant matches every played, and probably the closest this esport will get to perfection