【視聴数 189004】
【チャンネル名 urnotjustin】
【タグ urnotjustin,urnot,yourenotjustin,Justin,valorant,valorant night market,how to reroll night market,worst or luckiest night market on valorant,lucky night market,luckiest night market valorant,best night market valorant,how to get skins valorant,how to get better night market skins,night market ranked,valorant best night market,valorant agent teaser,new agent valorant,new agent name valorant,valorant new agent abilities,what skins can you get in night market】
prime neptune and magepunk vandal in my acc and alt so nah
i literally only want xero fang knife and vandal rn theres other skins im willing yo buy but 20% that i do. until then i wont b dropping and money on valorant
Mine isn’t rigged, I got Xenofang vandal, Reaver Vandal, Prime Guardian, Reaver Guardian, and 001 Bucky
Only good thing ive gotten from years of opening night markets is sovereign sword
hey i got the gaias ghost at a decent discount
In 2023 i got reaver vandal in my night market for only 1056 vp and i already hd 325 points. The succeeding night market i got prime vandal for the same prize. Then till date i havent got any good thing. I once got 5 greens 1 pink (it was smite phantom)
my money is saved this month cause just come skins that i don’t want
2 blues 2 greens 2 pinks
i did not get the skin i wanted.
People forget some skin lines arnt in the night market pool
I didn’t get a single skin with upgrades on my past 2 markets…
I got 4 greens and 2 trash purples it’s rigged.
I got reaver specter 😅
I didn’t even know about that bundle
THE ONLY best thing ive gotten through night market and im proud to have gotten it is the recon phantom for just around 1000 vp
When a new skin-collection is released, there is a time limit before it can appear in the night market
I got forsaken classic ion sherrif prime karambit and xerofang vandaal
is this a new night market this act?
I got recon ghost at 36% and gaia phantom at 35%, not gonna buy any of those tho because I’m poor asf 🙏
bro i dont have any vp but i have reaver vandal on my night market