【視聴数 189004】
【チャンネル名 urnotjustin】
【タグ urnotjustin,urnot,yourenotjustin,Justin,valorant,valorant night market,how to reroll night market,worst or luckiest night market on valorant,lucky night market,luckiest night market valorant,best night market valorant,how to get skins valorant,how to get better night market skins,night market ranked,valorant best night market,valorant agent teaser,new agent valorant,new agent name valorant,valorant new agent abilities,what skins can you get in night market】
I legit got the worst skins possible
i have the best market ever litreally ever
only the knifre is trash otherwise its ion op oni vandal valiant hero vandal revear spec and soverign phantom if ya dont trust then ill post my market
I got a ion phantom and radiant crisis bat for night market but sadly I have 0 vp so it is going to waste
because riot dont want to put skin with Exclusive Tier (2175vp-2375vp). almost every newest bundle release with Exclusive Tier now🥹
I have very good nm but only when im broke
There is a pool of skins for the night market if the skins are not in the pool you won’t see them
I got revaer vandal and Gaia marshal and prime krambit and sovereign guardian and the nothing special
I got the eberclad hammer too
a prime vandal for less than 1000vp 🙂 i got 44% discount on that gun
you have to wait 6 months after the release of a skin for it to appear in night market
4 green and 2 very bad knives. Thanks riot
I got a reaver guardian but im broke
fortunes what??
Ill never forget my fav(and only) ion for nearly 1050 <3
Best skin for op
i have the fortune knife in my night market rn i didn’t even know ab the skin line
I got prime karambit and idk if I should buy
There is a video of someone’s explaining and doing the math and science of the night market , it’s a scam and is made that way so we have fomo and just buy high leveled skins even if it’s not exactly the one we want
Best I got was luxe vandal 😭
i got reaver sheriff and sovereign ghost
am i lucky for getting the gaya’s venegance phantom and sovereign sword?