【視聴数 38194】
【チャンネル名 Sena】
【タグ valorant,val,tips,and,tricks,rank,up,fast,immortal,radiant,guide,tutorial,sena,2022,peek,angles,positioning,bronze,silver,iron,prems,aim,perfect,aimbot,jett,reyna,hardstuck,bad,habits,bad habits,fade,tenz,entry,frag,entry frag,how,to,how to,settings,color,vibrant,clean,clear,new,mistakes,beginner,chamber,2023,valorant gameplay,valorant highlights,valorant montage,valorant esports,valorant clips,valorant rank up,valorant satisfying】
NAHHH THAT GRAVNET IS USELESS why tf would it be the signature now
“We’re gonna make deadlock viable for offense” goes and makes her best ability a buyable?
Can you make a console tips pls ❤😢😊
Someone tell riot that making all agents have 1 use per ability is NOT how you balance a game!!
…. So basically they stopped pretending that Iso is an duelist aren’t they?
Cyrax “Syrax”? I thought it was called cryax “kryax”
Nerfing deadlock is crazy
I don’t care about any of this updates except for the ascent b main
Finally I won’t get wall bang by odin
Update timings
Update is coming out on Wednesday, sorry for confusion!
Fk, another skill position change, I’m already having a hard time on Phoenix because his old skill position is already muscle memory, now deadlock? Guess it’s time to uninstall
Bundles should never be a part of an update
Im a sova main
But, I was not a Gay 😂
Means.. I was not using that wallbang spot. Instead, I’m always using Shock Dart lineups..
im banned and im proud of
I like how they just ignore the existence of Harbor. This agent cannot be buffed for about 2 years, despite the leaks, where Harbor can get buffed
The bundle looks bad to me
They nerfed deadlock
the iso ability was a huge nerf ngl, like i keep missing my shot bro on the first one 😭
Did anyone else hear marier mesh
400 credits for deadlock wall , thats robbery, like wth