【視聴数 235959】
【チャンネル名 urnotjustin】
【タグ urnotjustin,urnot,yourenotjustin,VALORANT,Skins,Vandal,EX.0 showcase,new,all animations,melee,EX.0 Oni,season 2025,how much is EX.0 melee,oni vs ex.0,oni melee VS ex.0 melee,ex.0 edge,Onimaru Kunitsuna,comparison,Onimaru Kunitsuna VS EX.0 Edge】
i feel like it took valorant devs 10 minutes to design the ex0 bundle becasue even though it looks cool they just copy and pasted other skins and put a boring design
The fact that EX.0 is more expensive than oni bundle and the recent araxys bundle but gives way less is honestly an L. Could’ve made it cheaper or added more if it was gonna cost that much
5350 vs 5350
im gon be fully honest im buying the knife nd vandal on ex.o thats it NOT SPENDING A PENY MORE
Ex.O could’ve been great if they made it look like Yamato
I’m sorry but EX.0 is ASS
I think it depends on each person’s taste because in the end they cost the same individually.
oni is so much better in my eyes but ex.o id great
Nothin will ever compare with the Oni Katana, it’s just beautiful. Also sheathing a katana as fast as the Ex.O is just so wrong.
I will only get exo if it wasn’t so overpriced like wtf it is kuronami price but not close to kuronami the guns have all basic inspection animation and reload katana is pretty good but still not worth it
I dropped the cash for the Oni Katana.. I cannot get another melee skin🤣
As a katana fan i choose Oni
Oni because is the only weapon that changes the yoru ultimate
Idk man XO bundle seems off to me after seeing the price and default spectate animation
Inspect = Oni by far, the face looks so good, everything else = exo
as a huge GhostRunner fan, EX.O will ALWAYS have my vote
especially since it’s more flashy and glitchy
What’s the prices