【視聴数 129530】
【チャンネル名 nikimii】
【タグ valorant,valorant clips,valorant gameplay,jett,reyna,TenZ,Zellsis,Tarik,Sentienls,nikimii,Vandal valorant,valorant montage,valorant edits,valorant headshots,valorant tutorials,iron to radiant,root valorant,offlinetv valorant,otv valorant,disguisedtoast val,dreamsmp valorant,valorant gun upgrade,gun upgrade kill,valorant gun game,csgo gun game,csgo clips,csgo or valorant,iitztimmy valorant,classic to immortal,speedrun to radiant,valorant speedrun,raze】
what the FUCK is that face you pulled at the end
The last frame of the cam is incredible
Cs is Investment unlike val
Cs skins are free
But how about Champions 2023
brim dancing ting ting ta ta ta
cs2 weapon skin market is crazy
Bro wall the price of cs go are very overprisse for very bad skins