【視聴数 4869523】
【チャンネル名 Ladiff】
【タグ lalala,csgo lalala,lalala csgo,lalala music,lalala montage,y2k bbno$ lalala,lalala fragmovie,bbno$ & y2k – lalala,la la la,valorant,valorant montage,lalala valorant,lalala valorant montage,valorant raze montage,raze,valorant raze,ladiff,ladiff raze,ladiff valorant,ladiff montage,lalala lyrics,lalala bbno$,valorant edit,valorant fr,valorant operator montage,flights,montage valorant,edit valorant,fragmovie,montage,melt,melt valorant,meltvalorant】
My teacher sent me this link, wow he’s valid
1:38 I forgot that icebox got reworked
hack (you are mega pro)
Hey ladiff can u edit for me?
How do you use a skill binded with “A”?
whats his crosshair in the second clip?
The point he’s not using a cross hair too
aay how do u not get copyright on the music vro btw sheesh content man
Ur rank?
ليش تمثل انك اجنبي :>
Joga muito !
denle like a este comentario si no les gusta el video
tu est français
T es vraiment fort
what editing software do u use?
Ngl this is good gameplay but if your smurfing then pls stop, i’ve lost countless games because of smurfs
amına koyim böyle bir oyun olamaz aklımı yitirmek üzereyim