【視聴数 4869523】
【チャンネル名 Ladiff】
【タグ lalala,csgo lalala,lalala csgo,lalala music,lalala montage,y2k bbno$ lalala,lalala fragmovie,bbno$ & y2k – lalala,la la la,valorant,valorant montage,lalala valorant,lalala valorant montage,valorant raze montage,raze,valorant raze,ladiff,ladiff raze,ladiff valorant,ladiff montage,lalala lyrics,lalala bbno$,valorant edit,valorant fr,valorant operator montage,flights,montage valorant,edit valorant,fragmovie,montage,melt,melt valorant,meltvalorant】
You should turn off discord notification for quality content 🙂
Bruh which server do you play on,
Crosshair ??
Your to good!!!
i just say: damn bro
Soo if you have YouTube premium you can just use copyright music?
MLG montage!
Idk how i found this channel but i glad i did
Damnn nice montage!!
Hey Ladiff! Can you please tell me which plug-in do you use for ur slo-mo?
what are the effectsthat you use?
How can he hit a no-scope headshot with the Operator while flying?
And I can’t even headshot someone facing away from me?
Bro you are the best
But I want to ask you what your refresh rate monitor
And which mouse you have
Bro what sens and DPI you use ?
Love your videos ❤
This montage and the PAIN one are the BEST montages i have ever watched. Remember me when u get big one day <3
Jeez and I thought that I was good
Flights copied this guy
Where have I seen the name moi before 🤔 SUBROZAAA
are u humen