【視聴数 4869523】
【チャンネル名 Ladiff】
【タグ lalala,csgo lalala,lalala csgo,lalala music,lalala montage,y2k bbno$ lalala,lalala fragmovie,bbno$ & y2k – lalala,la la la,valorant,valorant montage,lalala valorant,lalala valorant montage,valorant raze montage,raze,valorant raze,ladiff,ladiff raze,ladiff valorant,ladiff montage,lalala lyrics,lalala bbno$,valorant edit,valorant fr,valorant operator montage,flights,montage valorant,edit valorant,fragmovie,montage,melt,melt valorant,meltvalorant】
god with a sheriff
Really u are the best 🔥
I hope to play with u ❤️🔥🔥🔥
You are simply a G O D
this is the proof that ranking system is broken.
2nd time watching this cause it was edited so good
How you didnt get copyright with that song? But good skills and editing!
Joga mt
What res is this at 2:11
1:19 wow
You are not very good I would put you as a platinum 1 but what caught my attention was that above all that is that you have some suspicious plays in which it is use of hacks, you could take salts at the right moment in which the enemy is given back but I don’t consider you very good, the truth is I dislike you
игра калл
Good hack
cheap flights
muito bom kk
Good job
whats ur res
Gg bg
Where do u live man because i saw those discord notifications and they were in Arabic