【視聴数 4869523】
【チャンネル名 Ladiff】
【タグ lalala,csgo lalala,lalala csgo,lalala music,lalala montage,y2k bbno$ lalala,lalala fragmovie,bbno$ & y2k – lalala,la la la,valorant,valorant montage,lalala valorant,lalala valorant montage,valorant raze montage,raze,valorant raze,ladiff,ladiff raze,ladiff valorant,ladiff montage,lalala lyrics,lalala bbno$,valorant edit,valorant fr,valorant operator montage,flights,montage valorant,edit valorant,fragmovie,montage,melt,melt valorant,meltvalorant】
The flights that are the best raze in the world
keep the grinding goin ur getting bigger and bigger every week
Bullseye 🎯
I rly think if u found a team and participated in the first strike u would have went far
whats ur sens and ads? dpi too
Hey bro i was just wondering how many hours have u played raze in val?
Ladiff : uploads a video
me : watches the video… a few minutes in “YoU’rE NoT AlLoWeD”
Bro I think I just played with u like yesterday if I was, sorry for being toxic. Lol
Nice cheats bro
Ur videos makes me feel like i want to be a pro player
And i go training and after training i get bullied in unrated
zuhn on valorant
You use
what is program
Direction clip
Btw iam here to tell u that ur insane and be careful there is a guy who took ur clips and put them in his montage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8gJSaeNAEGb-m3osO9DriQ
The beast part of the montage was at 1:51
Trop chaud ! 🔥