【視聴数 4869523】
【チャンネル名 Ladiff】
【タグ lalala,csgo lalala,lalala csgo,lalala music,lalala montage,y2k bbno$ lalala,lalala fragmovie,bbno$ & y2k – lalala,la la la,valorant,valorant montage,lalala valorant,lalala valorant montage,valorant raze montage,raze,valorant raze,ladiff,ladiff raze,ladiff valorant,ladiff montage,lalala lyrics,lalala bbno$,valorant edit,valorant fr,valorant operator montage,flights,montage valorant,edit valorant,fragmovie,montage,melt,melt valorant,meltvalorant】
انتا عربي ما عرفناك يا مدير
2nd clip is satisfying
French: j’adore tes montage et jaimerais que tu nous montre comment tu fait 😉
I just started playing colorant I trying to main Phoenix any tips
я не фанат валоранта но это топчик!❤❤❤
انت عربي؟
are u Arabian?
and 1:05 that was sick
you are hacker booy XD SHOT İS İNSANE
what res do you play?
Hey Ladiff, I saw your videos and was so fascinated by your art that I also started cutting Valorant montages. I uploaded my first montage and would be very happy if you could have a look at it and give me a little feedback. I think you are a Idol for me 😝😘
dude ur awesome
Idk if guys realized this but you changed thumbnails
You deserve minimum 1 million subs
Can you tell me how did the effect when you shot the jett in bath (the beginning)
thanQ for the answer!
Whise ur Editor