【視聴数 295950】
【チャンネル名 nikimii】
【タグ valorant,valorant clips,valorant gameplay,jett,reyna,TenZ,Zellsis,Tarik,Sentienls,nikimii,Vandal valorant,valorant tutorials,iron to radiant,offlinetv valorant,otv valorant,disguisedtoast val,dreamsmp valorant,valorant gun upgrade,gun upgrade kill,valorant gun game,csgo gun game,csgo clips,csgo or valorant,iitztimmy valorant,classic to immortal,speedrun to radiant,valorant speedrun,raze,forgotten skins valorant,scrapped skins,abandoned skins,val skin】
Only the blade cam have my wallet
Absolute banger
Holy, it sucks
…my wallet is gonna hate me. 😔
No, I will not be getting it, but I kind of want to.
All these cringy comments are crazy 😭🙏
Thank you! You just saved me 62 dollars! I just got a like and sub
The real question is how it sounds
That shit looks horrible
Valorant really isnt a place for a broke ass like me
When is it releasing?
they took the core from ion
😿💔I hope someone buys it for me
Brotha ewwwwww
Whats that
Whats that brothaa
Ngl that fake leaked knife looks better than the real one
People really be complaining on the pose but wont say anything about the 2023 finisher
My bank account hurts just hearing val skin prices now days