【視聴数 99131】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT – Protatomonster】
【タグ VALORANT,Valorant Moments,Valorant Montage,Valorant Highlights,Valorant Best Moments,Valorant 200 IQ,Valorant 200 IQ Plays,Valorant 200 IQ Moments,Valorant 200 IQ Montage,Valorant Big Brain,Valorant Big Brain Plays,200 IQ Valorant,Valorant Creative Plays,SMARTEST MOMENTS IN VALORANT,Smart Valorant Plays,Smart,Smartest Valorant Plays,Valorant 200 IQ Tricks,Bait,Valorant Smartest Plays,Smartest,Tricks,Valorant Pro,Pro,Console,Ps5,Xbox,Mobile,VALORANT Console】
10:47 name song?
I hate how I made an insane high iq play 1v5 clutch with cypher and forgot to clip it the worst situation any clipper has ever witnessed LMAO
If this is what ‘smart’ is, I have something to tell you…
2:07 is my videoooooooo thank uuuuu made my day man!!!!!✨✨
16:59 my clip!
4:30 im iro 1..
Skill or luck. I choose skill
Hey my clip is in here 🙂
19:25 😂 So locked in he dodged flash irl