【視聴数 56071】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT – Protatomonster】
【タグ VALORANT,Valorant Moments,Valorant Montage,Valorant Highlights,Valorant Best Moments,Valorant 200 IQ,Valorant 200 IQ Plays,Valorant 200 IQ Moments,Valorant 200 IQ Montage,Valorant Big Brain,Valorant Big Brain Plays,200 IQ Valorant,Valorant Creative Plays,SMARTEST MOMENTS IN VALORANT,Smart Valorant Plays,Smart,Smartest Valorant Plays,Valorant 200 IQ Tricks,Bait,Valorant Smartest Plays,Smartest,Tricks,Valorant Pro,Pro,Console,Ps5,Xbox,Mobile,VALORANT Console】
hiii first view
bruh i wish i had the same aim
I am bronze but still uses one way smoke, so ur telling me that I am capable of diamond
Enemy cloves should have used their ult
15:49 yooo what’s with the sound👀
2:00 MVP
bro 3:40 holy what a fucking play
How to send you videos ?
18:10 😂😂😂😂
the last one video is the best clip I have seen lol
you never see this before ? bro this cage from 2 or 3 years ago
The first clip i know is from that dog main cypher his the best player
10:18 hack?
15:29 god rap 👁👄👁
Sometimes i think i’m really good at this game, and then i watch anyone else play lol
7:06 Holly Shmickker. That was top tier brain play by Yoru right there. MF got bamboozled
Most of it wont ever work in higher ranks