【視聴数 104900】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT – Protatomonster】
【タグ VALORANT,Valorant Moments,Valorant Montage,Valorant Highlights,Valorant Best Moments,Valorant 200 IQ,Valorant 200 IQ Plays,Valorant 200 IQ Moments,Valorant 200 IQ Montage,Valorant Big Brain,Valorant Big Brain Plays,200 IQ Valorant,Valorant Creative Plays,SMARTEST MOMENTS IN VALORANT,Smart Valorant Plays,Smart,Smartest Valorant Plays,Valorant 200 IQ Tricks,Bait,Valorant Smartest Plays,Smartest,Tricks,Valorant Pro,Pro,Console,Ps5,Xbox,Mobile,VALORANT Console】
Can you tell me how can I submit my clips 😅
most of the clip seems smurfing why the fk the enemy team as well as there own teammate seems so dumb there aim so trash , bot movement and no angle holding checking corners which is so basic in high elo and they don’t even have skins dude 😂 all seems either smurfing or chinese custom clips 😂 reel vs reality shit 😂
Valorant=dog shit comp match making. Worst of any fps in history. Riot DEI devs are clueless safe space people.
Thank you for featuring my video. By the Im Moooooo
The problem with most clips is that 90% of high elo players smurf in a way lower elo, and it looks like they are insane because the skill level they play against is a huge difference.😅😂😂
Mostly low elo
very good gamr
14:20 great ramp cam
1st clip is Bengali ! THEY ARE FKING MY FRIENDS ;-;
Who can carry me from plat 2 to diamon please