【視聴数 1002013】
【チャンネル名 urnotjustin】
【タグ urnotjustin,urnot,yourenotjustin,valorant,showcase,reveal,trailer,new valorant,whats new on valorant,new valorant bundle,Helix,Helix valorant,Helix showcase valorant,Helix price valorant,how much is Helix,price,cost,vp,helix flex valorant,helix flex,new flex valorant,snake flex valorant,helix snake flex spam inspect,spam inspect,spam inspect animation,helix inspect valorant,snake flex inspect valorant】
so many people complaining about the price like lol if you’re broke don’t buy it, it’s not for everyone. aint that deep
Why Tf does it look like a dog when u spam
Not worth it.
buying that thing doesn’t help you win the game
You can literally get an oni phantom/prime vandal/ reaver vandal for cheaper 😂
So bad
Spam shouldve been the snake goes faster around your around like the snowflake flex
Tf no way I’m spending 1375 vp on a flex that looks barely cool
okay so you can inspect to up and down and if you left click, you grab it
I am tired of the inflation, never buying a bundle again
Snowflake is better imo
Eww riot did us dirty
So bad
Not worth 200
I wonder, did the designers not think that players would spam left click or inspect and want something cool to happen or did they just not want to make a satisfying spam animation?
werent these made to be inspect spammed
Video on your screen only for $100
smash the snake?
Nah cause nearly 7000 vp for the bundle