【視聴数 90948】
【チャンネル名 Sena】
【タグ valorant,val,tips,and,tricks,rank,up,fast,immortal,radiant,guide,tutorial,sena,2022,peek,angles,positioning,bronze,silver,iron,prems,aim,perfect,aimbot,jett,reyna,hardstuck,bad,habits,bad habits,fade,tenz,entry,frag,entry frag,how,to,how to,settings,color,vibrant,clean,clear,new,mistakes,beginner,chamber,2023,valorant gameplay,valorant highlights,valorant montage,valorant esports,valorant guide,valorant tips and tricks,counter strike 2,cs2】
so theyre just helping smurfs
Best decision riots made
Nah, just losing player count problably
I love this man’s jubilife city music in every video
true, being able to play with 4 friends is really a big problem 😢
its good to be able to play with anyone. maybe they balanced it out this patch
Tho to be fair wouldn’t matchmaking be based on the highest guy in the party so that counters it?
I dont think people would really care about people boosting their accounts, just let them do what they want to do
Im iron 1 and today i played with a silver 3
Im not mad . Just dissapointed
Idk not gonna lie im immortal if im not five stacking with my friends ony my main im just doing it on my smurf so idk dont see the bad thing about this but yeah
They know about the smurfing but then they consider the fact they do have people that are friends of different ranks that could be gold and want to play with there immortal friend. So instead of making there friend make a Smurf that’s silver/gold and destroying them, they at least have this option when they 5 man. It’s a double edge sword and not an easy fix when you really think about it.
But why
nah cus all of u guys don’t have friends to play val w
I don’t really mind that too much, what i DO mind is that they removed cypher’s “gimme a corpse” spam on ultimate and i am NOT having that
Eh, who gives a shit. Cs2 is out 😎 I already deleted valorant last week
I mean im talking from my own experience the only way i could play with my lower rank friends would be smurfing and putting an immo 3 on a gold account is worse then having golds and immos in a diamond lobby
lost a 5 stack comp game in silver against an ascendant on the exact same day
The smurfing went from 1 every 10 games (7.06) to a smurf every other game again (7.07)