【視聴数 36319】
【チャンネル名 Kanga】
【タグ valorant new agent teaser,valorant new initiator agent teaser,valorant new agent teaser 1,valorant,new agent,teaser,agent,initiator,kanga,kanga valorant,valorant new agent,new agent valorant,agent 27,valorant agent 27,valorant initiator agent,valorant new initiator agent】
Never clicked this fast
Robô ?
Plot twist: that’s the new agent’s vision when he uses cocain and that thing is just his hallucinstion.
From what i can see, this agent is looking through his teammates POV. First his own, then jetts and lastly chambers.
The first thing that comes to my mind when I see the small robot is the word “cucarrón,” which refers to a type of beetle-like insect. I feel that the robot resembles one, as those yellow parts seem like wings. I say this because, since the agent is Colombian, they are probably representing the vast diversity of animals in our country with this ability 😀
It’s like a drone the agent? Also Cuatro is four so im guessing over the course of 4 days we’ll get teasers on the cinematic trailer and abilitiess
Maybe he jitters forward in waves making him hard to hit
gon be at a 99.9% usage rate for a solid week
who tf is that girl with chamber??
That doesnt give away ANYTHINGlmao what does even that mean> 1 second clip is useless
Is it new map?
To me it seems its kind of like a rainbow six siege drone i assume you can only go as far as a Sova drone or a little farther it maybe have a tag system like cypher cam or Sova drone
That looks like a new MAP!!!! Quatro as in a site with 4 possible entries???
Colombian Jhin would be kinda cool ngl
Any battlepass leaks ?
New map?