【視聴数 1309848】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT Champions Tour】
【タグ valorant,vct,valorant champions tour,valorant vod,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant highlights,valorant esports,valorant esports highlights,valorant pro gameplay,yt:cc=on】
VALORANTyoutubeまとめサイト VALORANTが大好きな方の為のサイトです。VALORANTの隠れた人気動画を発見するのに役立ちます。毎日新着のVALORANT動画をリサーチしています。
【視聴数 1309848】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT Champions Tour】
【タグ valorant,vct,valorant champions tour,valorant vod,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant highlights,valorant esports,valorant esports highlights,valorant pro gameplay,yt:cc=on】
jawgemo so onfire today, so crazyyyy
Edg win, g2 win
lets go edg ez win
1:23:40 stax activated word.exe
Uhh yea kinda expected ngl, wp tho VIT
EDG vs G2 again
Hopefully EDG wins again 😅
Spoiler BLOCK!
So what was the point of the matches😊
kangkang is the goat at this point
Thumbnail is the mvp😂😅
T1 will win
it’s funny to see how toxic the gaming community is, you lose 1 match against a team and they call you washed and horrible in the comments. Look at G2 bounce back after EDG. You can’t play perfect every day, and you can’t win every game. Fun matches to watch.
Dayum usually EDG plays a lot better with their positioning tbh.
t1 v. edg:
split 51:23
bind 1:43:57
pearl 2:35:01
vit v. g2:
bind 4:01:46
lotus 5:16:17
why at 1:27:57 kankan shoot the yoru ult like it’s way to weird for it to be a coincidence
Sylvan’s ace in split 1:22:45