【視聴数 630044】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT】
【タグ valorant,valorant champions tour,vct,valorant esports,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant tournament,valorant trailer,valorant cinematic,valorant esports highlights,valorant esports tournament,valorant highlights,valorant vods,valorant championship,valorant pro gameplay,vct highlights,valorant champions,vct latam,vct br,vct apac,vct emea,vct na,valorant istanbul,valorant skin,vct skin,champions skin,Champions Phantom,valorant phantom】
Bruh I thinks I will get the phantom not the knife because I already spent so much for reaver karambit
Bring vandal back
I’m assuming when you inspect the knife you’ll pull the trophy out if you have the aura active, but if you aren’t top frag then it’s a normal knife inspect
Valorant never fails to empty my already empty wallet
overrated af
Nice no money but nice
does that mean… new song??
Bro valo you need to relax i just bought the reaver 2.0 now this?! I hope it last longer than 14days in the shop😭
Hopefully the glow is constant and not only if ur top fraggin
I just got the reaver karambit and now this releases, *visible emotional damage*
Some people from other countryes CAN’T afford this bcs is too expensive
2023 knife should be katana because why not boi
Where do I sell my kidney?
Even tho I’m f2p player this looks fire
they should make an “Underdog” bundle, the gun will glow when you’re bottom fragging
What’s the new theme song? And we need an animation like last year’s!
jakie cudne