【視聴数 630044】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT】
【タグ valorant,valorant champions tour,vct,valorant esports,valorant gameplay,valorant montage,valorant tournament,valorant trailer,valorant cinematic,valorant esports highlights,valorant esports tournament,valorant highlights,valorant vods,valorant championship,valorant pro gameplay,vct highlights,valorant champions,vct latam,vct br,vct apac,vct emea,vct na,valorant istanbul,valorant skin,vct skin,champions skin,Champions Phantom,valorant phantom】
guys why am i scratching the bottom of my wallet?
will it come in the old champions set?
Champions Vandal>>>> Champions Phantom
I can hear my bank account screaming for mercy
as long as the knife isnt fricking 4K creds i will 100% get it
Is it true after getting 25kills u get that trophy and should be top fragging?
Valorant never disappoints
The Valorant Champions bundle will release on Aug. 23 and run through until the start of Champions on Sept 1. 50% of net proceeds from the Champions 2022 Collection will go to participating teams. The Collection is limited edition, which means it won’t return to the Rotating Store or Night Market.
The bundle is an XE tier item, which costs 6,265 VP or roughly $65.🤤🥵
Well there goes another $100
Champions karambit better
valorant i just spent my money on reaver and now u announced champions? my wallet died already why making dieder
im not buying reaver 2.0 after watching this
Another one that i can’t buy and when i have the money it will be gone 😭
Like wtf you just took my money from the reaver bundle relax 😭
Valorant should improve championship trophy
Wait.. you still need to be on top of their body? ffs riot. again.
Where music video
waiting for champions 2023 operator + dagger, mark my word