【視聴数 27256】
【チャンネル名 JMeyels】
【タグ apex,apex legends,apex news,apex update,apex giveaway,apex heirloom,apex free coins,free apex coins,multiplayer shooter,battle royale,apex battle royale,jmeyels,gamingmerchant,apex hacks,apex aimbot,apex wallhacks,free apex heirloom,apex legends news,apex legends update,apex update news,algs,apex algs,apex dead,apex bugs,apex patch,apex patch notes,apex legends patch,apex new patch notes,apex patch update,apex season 14,apex console fix】
The annoying part of the S4 flatline skin is if it does return it will only be in a bundle with a load of skins and stuff that no one wants because they know people will pay a load of money just for the the skin
I will never ever dislike one of your vid’s j you only speak truth
go play pubg
The most shady thing about this game is the fact that it’s bringing EA/Respawn huge amounts of money but they don’t reinvest in the game in proportion to their profits – it’s mind blowing the level of negligence they have with their product. And to win your fights in this game there is very little room for error i.e. no regs, lagging, glitching of weapons and dropped connection in the middle of fights etc.
“their best skins of all time” ouch.
You ARE right j. Fix it Ea
I used to look forward to these update but mam I logged in did my challenges to get the free skin and left apex has its flame 🔥
Videos like this are the reason you are the only Apex channel I watch. You speak the truth with integrity and honesty which is very rare to find in a community filled with sell outs.
Bro, yesterday every second I was playing apex it said that I had an error (ps apex)
SBMM it’s so bad that even if I drop a 5k damage game, in the next one as reward of my recent performance I’m forced to quit cause champs are preds and I have no teammates or they managed to die to spectors in armory(true story). I’m so sick of it. Ranked it’s even worst causes even if I’m gold2, diamonds and masters can be in the same lobby. Wtf…I’m gonna quit very soon if things don’t change.
No worries man, I agree with you 100% the game is on a cycle and I’ve only been playing since season 12. Also, it takes the big guys like you speaking the truth for anything to get done honestly, which puts you in the line of fire, but you still do it for the community and we cannot thank you enough. Yeah you may get some haters but that’s nothing new and their comments don’t define your channel/you. We’re here for the news, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. We appreciate all news from yah and I personally enjoy all the content.
Im on pc, played maybe like 10 games today of the snipers and shotguns ltm, basically every match there was atleast 15-20 masters players most of them were all 3 stacks, way above what my skill is at. Game started dropping off in season 6 and probably is gonna be uninstalled permanently this time. The enjoyable days of apex are over.
Not on topic but look at the deadeye’s tempo in the armed and dangerous mod it’s a scary thought that they are saying it’s gonna go on lmgs
The matching is garbage for all of us
I know a lot of people have it bad on the other consoles but people also forget about the things happening on the switch too, it has the delay sometimes I have to “play” with a solid 40 second input delay everything else works it’s just movement won’t then there the visual glitches and everything else. I don’t have the money for a new console rn and especially not a PC so I just keep getting screwed over and not being able to play one of the only games I somewhat enjoy anymore
Good, bad, positive or negative doesn’t matter! You are always accurate with everything you report! These videos with a coffee have become a morning norm for me. Never change 🙏
Respawn been said they aren’t releasing anymore pay to win skins, & I think a lot of people just complain to complain especially the ppl on here If the game is that bad just play something else honestly
Let’s not forget that they’ve already profited $2 billion so there’s no excuse for all the bugs and problems The game has. If everybody would stop buying stuff for a season maybe they’d get it fixed.
Yeah it is utterly depressing how bad the bugs are. Heck, even in Arenas I’m noticing server lag when getting hit. Where someone will hit me but its just slightly delayed (so i get hit just when i’m done jumping into cover). Definitely not the worst bug, but its just as annoying as no regs.
We can hear the defeat in you voice and honesty we are all with you. I think we are all trying to squeeze out as must good news as we can from apex but most of the time we come out empty handed.