【視聴数 1662435】
【チャンネル名 The Game Theorists】
【タグ stray,stray game,cat game,cat,cats,zurks,stray zurks,stray momo,artificial intelligence,stray ending,stray ending explained,stray explained,stray theory,stray gameplay,stray full game,stray all secrets,game theory,game theorists,matpat,game theory stray,stray trailer,stray walkthrough,stray lore,stray lore explained,stray ps5】
Not trying to be that guy but the zitis eat anything that moves so that is why they don’t eat the non moving things
You had me until the part about the Zurk’s using the network to upload themselves into it or download it into robots, that’s a little far-fetched.
Damn theres already a theory
Matpat: rags on Skip and cats everywhere
Steph: posts pics on insta of all the times Skip cuddles up to Mat and takes a nap
I played stray and immediately knew there was gonna be a game theory made on it
This is pure *comety*
Quite the *atmo*-sphere huh?
I would like to challenge your theory about how the walls arent affected by UV light, it is that way because of game design, if they gave all of these walls a hitbox, they would lag the game to crashing.
i still didnt see salad fingers theory on episode 12 do i have to sent you a mail like a mail man so you would do a theory on salad fingers ep 12
I can believe the part that the robot were human, but the part that the zurk trying to infiltrate the network is a big leap of logic that doesn’t make any sense, since the things on the wall does not behave like a zurk.I mean sure the wall doesn’t eat the robot, but it also doesn’t eat you, or anything, it could (and mostlikely) have just been an exertion that zurk lay down to breed on, like a lot of insect and microorganism. Sure you can place a piece of a termite nest on a piece of wood, nothing would happen, but if you put wood near termites, the termites will eat the wood
There was no plague
do pibby or fire force film theory please
Pure teacher 12
The humans made bacteria to eat garbage which evolved into zurks whitch killed humans
omfag ive been waiting for this for so long!!
Bro the intro 💀
Hi matpat poppy playtime chapter 3 trailer came DO A THEORY
i highly doubt zurk are smart enough to plan something like that
why do you make innocent things stupidly evil
Having 3 cats in my house, I can confirm that the Earth is doomed again.