【視聴数 1530297】
【チャンネル名 Floydson】
【タグ floydson,aussie,stardew valley,dinkum,dinkum australia,james bendon,james bendon dinkum,i played 100 days of dinkum,i played 100 days of dinkum and here’s what happened,dinkum playthrough】
ゲーム攻略youtubeリンクまとめ-ゲームBBS7 ゲーム攻略関係のyoutube動画のリンクをまとめました!ゲーム攻略のチャンネル探しに便利です!最新の役立つゲーム攻略情報があります!
【視聴数 1530297】
【チャンネル名 Floydson】
【タグ floydson,aussie,stardew valley,dinkum,dinkum australia,james bendon,james bendon dinkum,i played 100 days of dinkum,i played 100 days of dinkum and here’s what happened,dinkum playthrough】
is this a copy of animal crossing or did nintendo make this?
4:15 Crocodile: Shark-dono, yamat- AAAAHNNN~
We need another 100 days!! This is so entertaining I lost track of time lol!
How Australian can you be?
Oh yes, killing a kangaroo with a flaming cricket bat it is.
Australian Animal Crossing
this game feels like what animal crossing should have been?
Why does one need a license to do anything in middle of nowhere, whos watching?
So basically animal crossing where you can get killed by animals and kill animals, the stereotypical australia version of animal crossing ! (BTW i live in australia its not as dangerous as most people think)
bro that issue with the museum placement is like every OCD persons life story
I like your perfection . Its satisfying to watch and little comedy.
Aussie crossing lol
what a nice and wholesome video! felt like 20 Minutes to watch.. thank your for the work!
“you can tell i’m australian” calls cassowary emu, oh i can tell oright…
theres no furries in this animal crossing knock off whats the point
I wasn’t too impressed at first but god damn did it get absolutely lovely.
Hearing an Aussie accent speak with alliteration is so oddly satisfying and fun to hear.
” Wattles brush and bottles of wattle brew”
Star Valley alway looked so intimidating but fun. This game looks more forgiving with the weather lol will definitely play this game 👍
Dinkum is like a mix of Stardew valley and animal crossing and I love it
Loved the video! Please do 200 days!!