【視聴数 37826033】
【チャンネル名 VALORANT】
【タグ VALORANT,VALORANT Champions Tour,VALORANT Esports,VALORANT Berlin,VALORANT Tournament,VALORANT Die For You,VALORANT Grabbitz,Grabbitz Die For You,Die For You,Die For You VALORANT,VALORANT Cinematic,VALORANT Music Video,Champions Music Video,VCT Music Video,VALORANT song,VALORANT anthem,Champions anthem,valorant esports music,valorant champions music,riot games music】
who are the other 3 people?
this is art!
Riot is doing a great job…keep going 🔥
Son kısımda Chamber uçtu heralde 😀
What a great song. Best of the songs ever I hear from a game. Beat and song meaning is brilliant. Well Doneee Valorant community and music developing team. We would like to see these type of songs in our PC games platforms
Guy: “how can you determine if somones rich or not?”
Me: “if there’s no adds on a masterpiece of a video”
this is smooth as fuck
Grabbitz sound like dream
Damn this kinda sound ike infinite power by fat rat idk cuz of the melody i think.
This video makes me to play the game even more 🔥💯
Always riot on the top of gmvs
if valorant had an anime it would be amazing
It’s just a video game nothing personal
The video game :
My boy always on that next-level fire. Never stop brother.
Dayumnnn this shit’s bussin’ hard man
riot does it
Riot you are genious